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Date Posted:01/07/2018 04:41 AMCopy HTML
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| Twilight was seated at a juice bar near the school, with her elder sister.
Twilight- That's a girthy pill to swallow. To think my own sister was so important. I mean, of course you are. You were set to be Queen once you got that husband of yours to drop the sword. But now you can be Queen of everywhere. So I don't see just why your so depressed over this. And to boot your a Creator too. So can't you just get rid of the sadness with your powers or something?
Twilight avoided relationships for this very reason. If she dated someone, it was always a one night stand. |  |
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Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/07/2018 04:49 AMCopy HTML
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| Osiris had her head down, flooding the counter top with her tears.
#Osiris# You don't understand. My heart is in pieces right now. I may be a creator, but i'm still a person. I love my family just as much as anyone else could. But...but...but...... I don't even know my own husband....My own ex- husband!!!
Osiris started weeping loudly.
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Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/07/2018 04:31 PMCopy HTML

Osiris felt a pair of furry arms wrap around her. The spirit was sitting on the counter, unseen by the other bar patrons.
I'm sorry for my poor choice of wording. I...haven't spoken with many people...ever. Leon and I will be sharing memories and thoughts at all times from now on. For you. He says he's sorry we made you cry.
He held her silently. |
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To the darkness all things return
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Rank:Diamond Member
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Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/07/2018 06:49 PMCopy HTML
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| Twilight took out a notebook and wrote down the details of this peculiar spirit and even made a sketch of him.
Twilight- So this is one of the thirds. Fascinating!
Twilight went in detail about the signature he had and everything. |  |
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Rank:Diamond Member
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Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/07/2018 06:54 PMCopy HTML
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| Osiris kept her head down.
#Osiris# That's so confusing!! Your the same and not the same. Which one is it! He's sorry you all made me cry! If your the same, why isn't all of you sorry! That only counts for being one third sorry! That's barely sorry! Your just saying that to try to cheer me up.
Osiris started weeping even louder.
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Rank:Diamond Member
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Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/07/2018 07:54 PMCopy HTML

He hugged her tighter.
Okay. Stop that. Your completely not making any sense at all now.
He pulled her onto his lap, rocking her.
Alright, calm down. Take deep breaths. I'm going to do my best to answer all your questions. So ask whatever you want. Let me explain first though.
He took a few deep breaths himself. For his interaction with their wife, this was seriously stressful.
First of all. You'd be advised to stop thinking of your husband as a mortal. Seriously. Stop that. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to apply those rules to us. We've spent a lot of lifetimes tossing that baggage out the window.
He chuckled, grinning. wording really was bad before. Like King said, we're the three aspects of Ghaleon Mythos. The Body. The Soul. An the Power. We all have the same mind and memories, just colored differently by the aspects we represent. Child Ghaleon. Dark Lord Ghaleon. Summon Ghaleon. Three different takes on the same main theme.
So why are we so separate? Well, that's because our trinity is out of sync. A soul of darkness. Powers of darkness. However...the unifying factor....the normal. If Leon becomes a dark elemental, that will be corrected.
He stared up at the ceiling.
An now comes the important part. The part you've been puzzling over. What and why are we?
A giant triangle apeared in the air. Each point had a symbol on it.
This situation is the end result of a long running project. The transcendent trinity. Three Who Are One. A soulless Body can not be killed. A free Spirit can not die. Power incarnate can not be destroyed.
Two of the symbols began to grow.
Strength and soul freed of the confines of a vessel have no limit to their growth.
The third symbol glowed brightly.
A body tied to two limitless forces can transcend its own limits.
The entire triangle turned gold.
The Three Who Are One. Transcendent Trinity. A secret project hidden from the eyes of the Gods to completely obliterate the ties of mortality. Its taken us hundreds of lifetimes, but we're nearly there.
Putting a hand gently on her chin, he made sure she was looking as a single symbol covered the triangle.
We are One. Or we will be. We're almost there. Once we reach our goal...we can join together for you whenever you want us to. Ghaleon Mythos will return to this world like never before.
Revealing this secret so close to the goal was horribly risky, but there was no choice. They had promised her. |
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To the darkness all things return
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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:07/09/2011 06:01 AM
Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/10/2018 09:42 PMCopy HTML
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| Twilight smiled
Twilight- So essentially your husband is Child Ghaleon if i'm following clearly. And I will have to say that I have not run into a being that Cannot do something such as Die. I assume by sorting these factors you think you essentially cannot be killed. You just reorganized the methods required for your demise, but I assure you that it is still possible. And the weakness of this lies in you. The only part of your entire being that is essential to exist as this man. Without you, the others lose their link and identity and can be destroyed by normal means. I will admit to you being hard to kill at current. By anyone other than a summoner like me that is.
Twilight rested her head on her hand.
Twilight- That aside, do you not see the problem with your relationship? It's you two are a terrible match. Plain and simple. You two never date or anything.
Twilight smiled, she loved this drama. |  |
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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:07/09/2011 05:54 AM
Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/11/2018 12:58 AMCopy HTML
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| Osiris got up on her own two feet and started walking to the door.
#Osiris# I appreciate the effort to help me, both of you. However, I think it's for the best that we part ways now. There were too many issues and no attempts to resolve them. Because of that It has done in-repairable damage to our relationship. At the end of the day. I can't accept that the damned sword knew more about my own husband than I. I am not one who can hope things get better or have faith that things will work out. As the destroyer of Limits, I cannot rely on a counter product such as faith or hollow beliefs. In a days time, you will forget about me. You will forget this conversation. It will be as we never were a thing in this world. And the man I thought of as mine, will forever be the man I never knew. This does not include you Twilight. Just the entire Mythos family and it's associates.
Osiris opened the door to a green portal and walked in. The portal closed along with the door.
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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:08/22/2011 09:41 PM
Re:The Sorcier and The Orcie
Date Posted:01/11/2018 02:32 AMCopy HTML

He closed his eyes.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought you were this much of a damned fool. Have it your way....
He vanished. |
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To the darkness all things return
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