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  • Register:08/22/2011 09:41 PM

Date Posted:02/01/2018 11:03 PMCopy HTML


The main lobby was, once again, in a state of chaos. The offender this time was the guard dog of the gates of hell.

Bad dog!!! No hellfire breath indoors!

David fired a charged ice blast right at Cerberus' open mouth. The heat in its maw melted the ice, sending water pouring right down it's throat. After the first blast melted a wall into slag, he'd focused on making sure there wouldn't be a second.

To the darkness all things return
Greatness_Envoy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #31
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  • Register:03/28/2011 06:41 PM

Re:Lobby Wars: Metal Heroes vs The Infernal Hound

Date Posted:02/23/2018 08:26 AMCopy HTML

Plumeria skipped around the lobby and nearby outdoor area handing out checks to everyone she saw. Each check was worth fifty-thousand or more gems, a serious over payment for any task they were hired to do, if they even worked there at all.

That should do it!

Plumeria proceeded to severely overpay both the workers inside who were rebuilding the lobby and filling in the holes in the floor. After completely emptying her check book she ran off into town, eventually returning having gathered up all of poor individuals who were living on the streets. In just minutes after returning she had given each one a job in the empire to cook, clean and and any other simple-ish task.

Almost met my quota for the day!

Plumeria sat down with company employees, both brand new and long time. She began speaking with them about policies and things they wanted to change.

Time_To_Max_Out Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #32
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  • Register:07/09/2011 06:06 AM

Re:Lobby Wars: Metal Heroes vs The Infernal Hound

Date Posted:02/23/2018 08:49 AMCopy HTML

Lan found himself in an odd spot. He was significantly shorter and something else was off but he couldn't pin what it was. But next to him was just a big blue screen where L-C used to be.

Lan: What the heck is going on here!

Lan stared at the blue screen and trying touching it, but he got no reaction.


Cat_Knows_Best Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #33
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  • Register:07/09/2011 06:01 AM

Re:Lobby Wars: Metal Heroes vs The Infernal Hound

Date Posted:02/24/2018 12:54 AMCopy HTML

Linda stepped in the lobby from her hidden lab via cyber portal to find a progressively deteriorating reality.

~I swear, you people.....*sigh*. Frangipani, Access code: Ivan Dorthy Isabelle Owen Thomas Sally. Run applications Antivirus and Defragmentation. Reboot when completed.~

She shook her head.

~Seriously, no one read the instruction manual I left when dealing with her advanced programs?~

Linda wasn't aware that literally no one could read the language she wrote it in. She stood by watching everyone and everything being repaired and cleaned of viruses.

Cat_Knows_Best Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #34
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:07/09/2011 06:01 AM

Re:Lobby Wars: Metal Heroes vs The Infernal Hound

Date Posted:02/24/2018 12:58 AMCopy HTML

Genevieve glared at Linda out of the corners of her eyes.

Genevieve: I see. So they really did welcome you in with open arms. Now is the time I speak with my father personally.

Genevieve showed no reaction to her changes. She expected strange things to happen often. She walked right onto the elevator and issued a voice command for the elevator to go to her father' office. By her command it bypassed all security measures and went straight to the office.

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